Thank you for choosing CAFD to partner with you in maintaining good oral health for your lifetime. We look forward to meeting you at your New Patient Appointment! You may be wondering how a New Patient Appointment differs from a normal dental appointment? Since Dr. Heard is committed to getting to know each of his patients and assessing their overall health needs, the New Patient Appointment includes a thorough comprehensive evaluation of your medical history and mouth, a mouth cancer screening, a full-set of diagnostic X-rays, and a dental cleaning. Dr. Heard will take time to discuss his findings with you and answer any questions you may have. It is our desire that when you leave, you have a good understanding of your dental needs and what, if anything, needs to be done to improve your oral health. You can expect your initial visit to take approximately an hour and a half. For your convenience, you can print the New Patient paperwork and either scan and email the completed paperwork to us (drdanheard@gmail), or bring the completed paperwork with you to your appointment. We can also text you a link to the paperwork and you can easily complete it on your phone and send it back to us. Just let us know what is easiest for you. See you soon!